Friday, January 22, 2010


Happy Friday everyone! Today marks the last day of the first week of my last semester as an undergrad. Confusing enough? I sure hope so. I've gotten my classes more-or-less sorted out and am hopefully headed out for some rabble rousing on bikes in the near future.

I was going to put up a very very quick comic that I drew while I was at work, but unfortunately my camera died. I took a photo with my webcam as a last ditch effort, and attempted to use photoshop to clean it up a little, but so much of the quality was lost that it pretty much wasn't worth it.

Friday, January 15, 2010


In the past, whenever I've tried to stick to an "updating" schedule for my blogs, it's pretty nearly always ended maybe a week (tops) after my resolution to try it. I do, however, make an effort to stay as productive throughout the week. I don't totally suck at that and it's a damn shame They don't pay for productivity alone.

It's been Winter Break. I've been crazy. Well, I suppose I haven't really been regular crazy so much as stalling. Stir crazy. There's one semester of college for me to complete, I have no opportunities open for me right now after graduation because I haven't been filling out grad school applications or actively looking for a career. Not that I want one of those anyway. But I have been trying to keep my mind preoccupied in this down time. Travel, drugs, comes with the territory. Being broke does too but it's almost gotten easy for me not to care about that as long as it doesn't inhibit the previously established Big Three.

I've been creating for days on end and have been tossing around the idea of starting a webcomic or a running zine. I'm only taking 4 courses as of right now this semester and was thinking about an independent study where I did that. Only I'm pretty sure Jeph Jacques already stalks my life and makes a better webcomic about it. I'm not really funny and clever enough or indie artsy enough (please judge me based on my choices of examples). So here I sit. Doing the limbo thing.

A friend of mine recently, and to no one in the room in particular, asked if crossing bridges physically helped you cross them emotionally. I'll tell you when I find one.

Have a finger painting!

Friday, January 8, 2010


Third time's a charm, right?

I've switched journaling methods twice in the past, but was hesitant about this new switch. I've had my old livejournal
for quite a few years prior to this and for a pack-rat sentimentalist like myself, the choice to forsake a familiar domain name in favor of a new shiny one comes with mixed emotions. There's an excitement linked to the reinvention of myself that comes with a new blog slash year slash decade. The decision was practically made for me as the clock counted down to midnight, and I realized that everything was always going to be exactly the same in its change.

Already things have been eventful.
Here's to hoping they remain so, in the best way possible.